2 thoughts on “Is anyone familiar with the new service being offered on the website 24-7genealogist.com?”

  1. 24-7 Genealogist (24-7genealogist.com) is a new service for those seeking assistance in genealogy research. All participating experts have to register and credentials/experience verified. Much like the past efforts of Ancestry.com’s “Expert Connect” that was ended this year – which was not a failure BTW, it was very successful, but Ancestry.com decided to go a more lucrative route by purchasing a genealogical research company out of Salt Lake City to exclusively handle all of their Ancestry.com client research requests, and thus phasing out the expert team members that provided this service up to then ….

    24-7 Genealogist is based in Ireland, ran by the Ancestor Network LTD Company which has been around for a long time and well known in the UK. They will provide experts with all kinds of backgrounds and experience internationally – I am personally excited about this because those of us who were part of the Ancestry.com expert team did get left out in the cold and this helps us all again in helping others discover, preserve their family history and heritage. It is always a good thing to have as much help out there as possible when it comes to genealogy and 24-7 Genealogist will provide this avenue with quality expert assistance – a win/win for all of us bitten with the genealogy bug!

    I hope this response helps you out a bit!

    Jacqueli Finley

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