What is my American Indian Heritage?

My name is James Constable I have recently found out that my lineage on my mothers side is American Indian.

All I know about my ancestor is that his name was Richard or Robert Moore (I’m not sure Richard or Robert), he jumped ship from America to Australia sometime in the 1800’s apparently he was from Death Valley California. He invented something in cameras that is still in use today and had something to do with the early days of Caritas (St Vincents De Paul). What I do not know know is what tribe he was from what age and where he died and about his children.

How do I break through the 1850 census?

I have researched my family tree back 3 generations so far,for instance I know my grandfather’s father was George H. Moore, his father was George W.Moore,and now I am stuck because I found George W. Moore’s father was Hianas Morre in the 1850 census for Great Salt Lake,Utah Territory 1850 Census. His wife was Mahala,but it said he was born on the Atlantic Ocean.