How to Use GenHelper

GenHelper is based on other question and answer sites such as Yahoo Answers. While Answers covers a large amount of topics GenHelper is limited to asking questions and receiving answers about genealogy. I thought in this post on the official GenHelper blog that I’d explain briefly to our readers on what you can do to get the most from this website.


In order to ask a question or provide an answer on a question a user must be registered with the site. To allow a seamless and quick registration we enable you to register using your Facebook account if you have one, or directly to this site. You can actually do this now by simply clicking on the facebook login on the right panel of this page, or the link to register. You may wonder what information we collect from Facebook if you choose that method? We collect your name, profile picture, and an email address. Once you are logged in you will be able to alter any of the information provided by Facebook, but you will not be able to choose another username.


In order to ask a question or provide an answer on a question a user must be logged in to this site. For those who chose to register via Facebook just click on the Facebook login button on any page and it will log you in. Others will need to input their login and password from any page.

Ask a Question

Asking questions is what this site is about, and any question about genealogy, family history, and history as it relates to genealogy, etc. is allowable. You can ask questions about other genealogy sites on the web, about genealogical methods of research, or about traveling to a location to conduct genealogy research. You can ask questions about your personal research, who married whom, what were their children’s names, who’s who’s daddy? I think you get the idea about this one. The questions are limitless… just keep them on the topic of genealogy please!

Answer a Question

Asking a question is the easy part. Getting an answer to the question may take some time! We hope that our users will see the benefit of not only asking questions, but also answering questions that others post. In the genealogy community we like to call these type of people SKS (Some Kind Soul). You may not know the exact answer for the question, but you may be able to use your past experience to assist that person in finding the answer.

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I am the webmaster of many genealogy sites online including Access Genealogy and Family Tree Guide. I also conduct a one name study on the Partridge surname and all of its variants and misspellings. You can access the Partridge information and Partridge family tree at the Partridge Nest.